workers a electricity station

Decoding Your Eversource Bill: What Are Those Public Benefit Charges?

August 5, 2024

Have you ever looked at your Eversource electricity bill and wondered about those mysterious charges labeled “Public Benefits” or “FMCC”? You’re not alone! Today, we’re going to break down these charges and explain what they mean for you as a consumer.

What is the Public Benefits Charge?

The Public Benefits Charge is a fee added to your electricity bill that funds various energy-related programs designed to benefit the public. Think of it as a small investment in our energy future. Here’s what this charge typically supports:

1. **Energy efficiency programs**: Initiatives to help reduce overall energy consumption.
2. **Renewable energy initiatives**: Projects that promote clean, sustainable energy sources that are paid for by Eversource.
3. **Low-income assistance programs**: Help for those who struggle to pay their energy bills.  Definitely a worthy cause but who is actually paying for this?
4. **Research and development**: Funding for innovations in clean energy technologies.

Breaking Down the Charges

FMCC (Federally Mandated Congestion Charges)

Despite its name, the FMCC isn’t directly related to public benefits, but you’ll often see it listed nearby on your bill. Here’s what it covers:

– Costs associated with managing electricity grid congestion.
– Compensation for the higher costs of delivering electricity during high-demand periods or when there are transmission constraints.

Combined Public Benefit Charges

This term refers to the total of various public benefit-related charges on your bill. It typically includes:

1. Conservation and Load Management Charge: Funds programs that help us all use energy more efficiently.
2. Renewable Energy Investment Charge: Supports the development of clean, renewable energy sources.
3. Systems Benefits Charge: Covers various public programs, including assistance for low-income customers.

Why Do We Pay These Charges?

These charges are mandated by state regulations and serve several important purposes:

– Promote energy conservation
– Support clean energy development
– Provide assistance to low-income customers
– Invest in a more sustainable and reliable energy future

While it might seem like just another fee, these charges are actually investments in our community and our planet. They help create a more efficient, sustainable, and equitable energy system for everyone; albiet at the expense of the current consumers.

The Solar Alternative

Instead of passively accepting these charges, consider taking control of your energy production with solar panels. Here’s how solar can benefit you:


  1. Reduced dependency on the grid: Generate your own clean energy and reduce reliance on utility companies.
  2. Lower or eliminated utility bills: Potentially save tens thousands over the system’s lifetime.
  3. Energy independence: Protect yourself from rising energy costs and grid instabilities.
  4. Increased home value: Solar installations can boost your property’s market value.
  5. Environmental impact: Directly contribute to reducing carbon emissions.

The Bottom Line

Understanding your electricity bill can be confusing, but knowledge is power! These public benefit charges, while small individually, collectively make a big difference in shaping our energy landscape. Next time you see these items on your Eversource bill, you’ll know exactly what they mean and how they’re working for you and your community.

While Eversource claims these charges benefit the public, it’s worth questioning whether you’re truly seeing the value. By investing in solar, you not only potentially avoid these fees but also take a proactive step towards energy independence and environmental stewardship.

Remember, every dollar you spend on these charges is a dollar that could be invested in your own sustainable energy future. Why pay for nebulous public benefit programs when you could be funding your own personal energy revolution?


Before making any decisions, it’s crucial to research and consult with solar energy experts to understand the potential costs and benefits for your specific situation. Solar may not be the right choice for everyone, but for many, it represents a path to greater energy autonomy and significant long-term savings.

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