When Our Community Goes Solar, Our School Wins
$1000 Donation Per Install
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SAVKAT is Giving Back to Our Community and Schools
Our communities need to help each other. When we work together the rising tide lifts all ships. As a community centric company, we found it increasingly hard to keep up with donation requests from all sorts of solicitations, and having to limit our choices to just a few each year.
What we quickly learned, was all community programs need extra funding and monetary support to continue in their missions. With our passion for family, kids and our faith; we developed the SAVKAT Community Booster program. Now families that wish to become energy independent can get the industry standard, highest rated Solar panels available, AND upon activation, we donate $1000 to the Meliva Maric Montessori. Everyone Wins.

The page you are on has a unique form built into it (below), just for your community.
This form tracks any new families interested in going solar with SAVKAT.
As long as the new energy-independent family initiates their solar purchase through this page, Meliva Maric Montessori Wins!
Solar installation is not limited to just West Hartford residents, so share this page with as many people as possible. I’ve provided social share buttons to help with that.
Obviously, we recommend sharing on your social media with the links below. The more we all share, the greater the chances of getting donations.
Let’s get to at least $15,000 this year!
We are located in Bristol, but install anywhere in CT, MA, NH, NJ, PA, FL
Estimate Your 25 Year Savings
Our Simple KWH Calculator
Click the button below and type in your monthly electric bill to see the estimated 25 yr savings you will have by going solar this year!