What is Solar Net Metering?

When doing research on converting your home to a solar energy system, one of the terms you may come across is Net Metering (or Net Energy Metering). When making the decision to go solar, it is helpful to understand the terminology as well as how it will affect your cost of electricity. Solar panels enabled […]

How Big Of A Solar System Do I Need?

At SAVKAT every customer wants to know the numbers: how much is this system going to cost me? In this article we wanted to give you a picture of pricing a solar system and explain how to  properly read your electric bill to determine your system size. You will see how many factors influence a […]

SunPower X-Series: Most Efficient Solar Panel

X-Series: What’s the big deal? We talked a few weeks ago about the SunPower A-Series, the most cutting edge panels available in solar. Let’s switch gears and cover the most popular panel series SunPower sells: the X-Series. SolarReviews notes that when it comes to performance, the SunPower X-Series is on top of the competition in […]

How Do Solar Panels Work?

How do solar panels work to convert sunlight into usable energy? In this article we are going to break down exactly how a solar panel works and everything that goes into making your solar system produce the energy you need. Part One: How a Solar Cell works Individual solar cells make up a solar panel. […]

Summer Is The Time For Solar Panel Maintenance

Wait, my solar panels require maintenance? Many homeowners assume that once their solar panels are installed there is nothing else to do except harness the sun’s energy and reap the savings rewards! However, just like outdoor siding, decks, and windows, your solar panels are exposed to the natural elements and need a good cleaning and […]

Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit Decrease

Before we get into solar, what is a Tax Credit? A tax credit is money that the government gives taxpayers back from what they paid in to taxes. It is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in income taxes from your federal tax filing. If you earn a $5,000 tax credit, your federal taxes will be $5,000 less. […]

Clean Energy Victory Bonds Proposed

What is the concept behind Clean Energy Victory Bonds? Victory Bonds emerged during World War I to raise money for the war while providing a return to investors. This is the same concept that California lawmakers are exploring with the Clean Energy Victory Bond initiative. They are proposing similar bonds that will support the cause […]

What Does It Cost To Go Solar In Connecticut?

Who would guess that a state located in the northeast would rank seventh in the nation for solar-friendly policies? Known as the Constitution State, Connecticut does a lot to help homeowners who want to go solar. First, What does it cost to go solar in Connecticut? The cost of solar is described by using the […]

What To Expect From Your Solar When It Snows

Some of our customers start to worry about their solar production at this time of year. Does my system produce at all during the winter? Will the snow block the sun? Will the snow melt? Should I shovel my roof? In this blog we are going to try to help answer all of these questions […]

Solar Vs. Wind. Which Is Better For Your Home?

Most everyone is familiar with solar power as a renewable energy source for homes and small businesses. However, a solar system is not necessarily the only option for producing clean energy. How about wind turbines? It is important to know that differences can vary widely depending on location and specific use. In this article, we […]